Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am not a Redneck

Not that there's anything wrong with being a redneck.

I am, however, a young adult male of European descent born and raised in Western Canada. If you automatically assume that makes me a redneck, chances are you'd be better off finding something else to read; something that doesn't challenge your narrow world view.

I realize, of course, the need to qualify who I am may in itself be nothing more than denial.

On the other hand, since I am an unapologetic Star Trek fan, Games Workshop miniature owner, and wielder of a Force FX Lightsaber, chances are good that I'm more of a geek than a redneck. Just check out my other blog, SF & F Reader.

This blog was started in response to all the sensationalist, highly partisan misinformation I encounter daily via 'mainstream' reportage. My response to it all is simple: I Don't Buy That.


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