Thursday, April 8, 2010

Regina Profs Hate the Children of Dead Soldiers

I'm going to try not to get into this subject in much detail - mostly because I hate giving these yahoos any exposure - but this just makes me sick.

I don't care what your personal views are regarding the Canadian military presence in Afghanistan (but seriously, is it really imperialism if we aren't gaining anything from the exercise?) - these children have lost a parent, one half of their emotional and financial support system. Why would you want to shut down a program that offers them a free college education?

Oh right, 'politics'.

I will give them credit, according to this this article the professors have proposed an alternate program in which anyone can have access to a free education. That's a lofty goal. Unfortunately it is also not feasible at our current tax level, unless the profs are willing to work for free. Perhaps if we were to raise our taxes to the same level as Sweden? Let's see what the voters say.

What we have, instead, is an existing program that offers some people a free education. Why should we deny them. Sounds to me like shades of Harrison Bergeron. "If everyone can't have it, no one should."

Unfourtunately, it is most likely that these professors are really only objecting to the label 'Hero'. Perhaps they would not have raised any objections if the scholarship program was called 'Financial Assistance for the Innocent Children of Ignorant, Violent People that Died While Promoting a Conservative Agenda in a Foriegn Country that Wasn't at all a Hotbed of Fanatical Terrorism'.

Well, look at that. I couldn't keep it short. I guess they really got my Irish up.


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